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Below are a selection of reviews from our Dance to Health participants

“The social side of this is as important as the exercise.

Everybody benefits from that greatly. Definitely mentally for me, because I live on my own, so it has helped me a lot”

“I really enjoy it.

It encourages you, gives you aspiration. I have not been able to move much for three years and now I don’t need my stick for the class”

“I have found getting up off the floor challenging, I’ve only just started being able to do it.

I used to watch everyone else and be so jealous but now I can do it with some confidence. I think my confidence has improved incredibly”

“Most importantly the sessions turned us all into a bunch of friends.

Now some of us will bump into each other when we’re out and we’re excited about seeing each other and want to know what we’ve been up to.”

“My balance, mobility and coordination have improved.

I noticed my dancing was improving at another dance class I went to. I noticed a difference in how I could move my feet in time and do more complicated steps more easily and other people noticed that too.”

“I can feel my legs are stronger.

I went to a family christening at the weekend and my relatives couldn’t believe the difference in me. My entire posture has changed.”

“I have found the classes invaluable.

Not only in giving me the incentive to do exercise on the day of the class but also in teaching me the sort of exercises that will help keep me flexible and stable as I age. Also I have found that , unlike Pilates or similar classes, it has been easier for me to build some of the moves taught into my daily life which means I will continue to benefit once the class ends.”

“The mood enhancement is tremendous.

I’m waiting for a hip replacement and the class is helping to keep me mobile.

Dance to health

Aesop. Wittas House, Two Rivers, Station Lane, Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 4BH.

Registered Charity: 1134572 Company Number: 06998306

Dance to Health is a programme created and managed by

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