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DAta Policy

See below for our full Data Policy

Data Policy

  1. Overview 

1.1 All employees, consultants, officers, contractors, interns,  volunteers, agency and casual workers are covered by this policy  which commits Aesop to meeting Data Protection legislation and  to protect the privacy of information held in the process of  operating its services. 

1.2 Data Protection is a legal requirement of all organisations  collecting and using personal information and there are significant  legal, financial and reputational consequences of failing to operate  to the highest information and data protection standards. 

1.3 This policy should be augmented with further guidance and  policies on Record Keeping and IT & Cyber Security, as the  operating model matures. 

1.4 This policy applies in all locations and operating premises.  Importantly the policy must be maintained when at home or  travelling as this may represent a significant risk to data  protection.  

1.5 In short, Aesop commit to uphold fair and lawful data  management and protection in line with prevailing legislation  (currently GDPR1). 

1.6 The trustees/board will seek assurance of compliance with this  policy through half yearly positive reporting and in-between times  by notification of exceptions and breaches. 

1.7 General Data Protection regulation EU 2016/679 and UK Data Protection Act 2018.


  1. What is Data Protection? 

2.1 Data protection is defined relative to personal and sensitive data  within the seven principles behind GDPR. 

Data will be collected and processed lawfully, fairly and  transparently. 

Purpose limitation – collected and processed for specific  legitimate reasons. 

Data minimisation –the minimum data collected for the purpose  stated. 

Accuracy – care is taken to collect and maintain accurate and  up to date records. 

Storage limitation – records are kept only for as long as  justifiable by the purpose for collection. 

Integrity and confidentiality (security) – manage personal  information in a secure and confidential manner including safe  destruction. 

Accountability – Aesop are the data controller and must take  accountability for the data it collects and uses as well as  ensuring data processors it contracts work within clear processing agreements.

  1. What we will do to comply with the principles and law 

3.1 Existing data processing will be documented, and a central “record  of processing” kept of what is collected, for what reason and for  how long it will be retained. 

3.2 Any new data processing will be subject to a Data Protection  Impact Assessment (DPIA) to ensure we have considered the  GDPR principles and made a conscious decision to process the  right amount of information for a clear purpose. This will include: • Clear purpose for collection/processing 

What will be collected 

How and where it will be processed by us or our agents (under a  Data Processing Agreement) 

How long the data will be held 

How the confidentiality will be maintained. 

3.3 We will be clear (through a Data Processing Agreement) with any  partner organisation that we use to process data on our behalf as  to the extent of processing permitted and our requirement for  them to uphold our confidentiality and processing control. 

3.4 We will ensure our paper and electronic record keeping is secure  and robust through implementation of an IT and Cyber Security  policy.  

3.5 We will ensure all staff and those working with us through grant or  agency arrangements are aware of the basics of information  security and data protection. 

3.6 We will be clear with users of our services what we are doing with  their data and help them in the event of a query or correction. 

3.7 We will maintain registration with the Information Commissioner’s  Office (ICO) and report breaches and data loss in line with  prevailing legislation. 

3.8 We will define clear roles and training needs for staff. 


  1. Roles and responsibilities  

4.1 The following are defined roles with respect to Data Protection and  not necessarily job titles or whole-time equivalent roles. 

4.2 All Staff: required to uphold high standards of security and  confidentiality for information they are in possession of or come  across in the execution of their duties. At induction and then  annually, they will be invited to comply with and support the  policies of the organisation. Basic data protection awareness will  be given to all staff. 

4.3 Data Protection Officer: the primary operational expert for the  organisation and will: 

Provide advice on the data protection responsibilities of Aesop  and handle any impact arising from changes in legislation. • Monitor compliance with the regulations, including the  assignment of responsibilities, awareness raising, and training  of staff involved in the processing operations and the related  audits.  

Be the first point of contact for the ICO and for data subjects. • Lead on responding to Subject Access Requests and Rights to  be Forgotten. 

Lead on DPIAs. 

4.4 Caldicott Guardian: responsible for championing data protection  and confidentiality issues for patients and users of the services  Aesop provide.

4.5 Chief Executive: overall accountability for information governance  including data protection. 

4.6 SIRO (senior information risk owner): required to look across  security, risk and data protection issues to ensure prevention and  issues management is handled. 

4.7 Board: required to provide governance oversite and seek  assurances that the policy is being enacted effectively. 


  1. Data Subjects’ rights  

5.1 Data Subjects are entitled under data protection law to the  following: 

Transparency from Aesop on what is collected, why it is  collected and who processes it. 

Access to data held by Aesop about them. 

Correction or erasure of data held about them. 

5.2 To help support these rights Aesop will have a privacy statement,  issue briefing notes to support data collection from  patients/participants, and secure written agreements with any  agency processing data on Aesop’s behalf. 

5.3 Applicants, staff and direct volunteers will have their rights clearly  stated in application and induction material. 

5.4 There will be a clearly identified contact point within AESOP  (signposted on the web site) to whom subject access and data  privacy issues can be addressed. 


  1. How we will assure compliance  

6.1 A four-step approach will help us ensure that this policy is  complied with. 

Board of Trustees will reserve annual and 6 monthly agenda  slots specifically to review Data Protection: policy; status;  training and any breaches or data confidentiality concerns. 

We will be clear on accountabilities relating to data protection  and secure access to specialist advice and guidance in the  ongoing review of our policies and procedures. 

We will make Data Protection awareness mandatory education  for all staff and ensure all our partners work to the same  education standards.

We will ensure that we are transparent about the data we hold  regarding service users, donors, staff, and public. Where  subjects require access, we will respond openly and correct  errors promptly.  

September 2021

Dance to health

Aesop. Wittas House, Two Rivers, Station Lane, Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 4BH.

Data protection, processing and privacy

Registered Charity: 1134572

Company Number: 06998306

Dance to Health is a programme created and managed by

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Dance to Health is a registered trademark. © 2019 Aesop.

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