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Who We Are

As the saying goes, it takes a village. Dance to Health programmes are devised and delivered by a whole community of different people, each fulfilling their own particular roles. Read about them here.


Dance to Health is delivered by the charity Aesop Arts & Society. Aesop is dedicated to advocating for, supporting, and producing arts solutions to society’s problems. You can read more about Aesop here.

Dance Artists

Experts in Dance

Our Dance artists are all educated to degree level or have equivalent experience in dance. They are professional dance artists who work in community.


They are trained in the Postural Stability Instructor (PSI) qualification that combines the FaME and Otago falls-prevention exercise programmes. They are experts at translating evidence-led PSI exercises into creative dance.

Get to know them

Want to know who they are? Click the button below for an overview.


As with many charities, the support of volunteers is crucial to our success. We’re incredibly lucky to have a community of wonderful people who are as passionate about what we do as we are. If you’d be interested in volunteering, check out our Volunteering page.

Our Peer Motivators are volunteers aged 50 and above with an interest or experience in dance or keeping active generally. They participate in the dance sessions and offer support, encouragement or one-to-one help to participants. 

Our Dance Support volunteers are aged 18 and over. They usually have some experience of dance. Like Peer Motivators, they participate in group sessions, and offer encouragement to participants. They may also demonstrate seated options alongside less mobile participants. 

Our Champion Volunteers are participants who help out with some of the activities supporting groups. They help make tea and coffee, set up the room, and help make everyone feel welcome.


Dance to Health would be nothing without all of our amazing participants. They are the life and soul of what we do! Every week they turn up, show off their creativity and dedication, and improve their lives in the process.

Dance to health

Aesop. Wittas House, Two Rivers, Station Lane, Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 4BH.

Registered Charity: 1134572 Company Number: 06998306

Dance to Health is a programme created and managed by

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