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Dance to health Dudley Film Library

Dance to Health provides a fun, sociable way for people aged 50 and over to incorporate physical activity and in particular strength and balance training into their daily life.

Dudley Council have commissioned Dance to Health so it is free for participants. This includes the Film Library.

In-person programme

The Dance to Health programme runs throughout the Dudley Borough. Sessions are up to 90 minutes long with 30 minutes social time. Taught by professional, trained Dance Artists. More info can be found here.

Two dance artists performing

Film Library


We have 22 special videos produced with various Dance to Health dance artists, so Dudley residents can enjoy Dance to Health whenever and wherever they want. We’re currently adding 2 new videos every month to the library.

If you’re a Dudley resident, you can sign up by clicking click here.

More information about
Dance to Health

Browse our frequently asked questions, which cover topics such as what you need to take part.

See our Reviews page for independent feedback on our classes.

“I was reluctant to give it a try at first because I was nervous about coming into a room full of strangers. But I’m so glad I did. Now when I come to Dance to Health, I am coming to see my friends.”

“After retirement my mobility had become increasingly compromised, by worn out, stiff and painful hips. After each session I was able to stand up straight instead of being stooped, if only temporarily, and move about more freely.”

Dance to health

Aesop. Wittas House, Two Rivers, Station Lane, Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 4BH.

Registered Charity: 1134572 Company Number: 06998306

Dance to Health is a programme created and managed by

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