Dance to Health
Try at home!
Here we have a selection of Dance to Health try-at-home content. Usually, classes last around 60-90 minutes, with plenty of time to socialise with tea and biscuits.
There is no replacement for live classes, as Dance Artists adjust the content dynamically, according to ability levels, and allow participants to co-create, using experimentation and improvisation.
But, these videos hopefully give a taste of Dance to Health live classes, and some things that can be done at home between classes!
Check out our health and safety video, then scroll down to get stuck in.
Seated videos
Here are four seated videos that include all key elements of the FaME falls-prevention regime, though for a condensed amount of time.
Seated & standing videos with Rose and Kim
Two special sessions filmed and produced in Dudley
Charlie Armitage Series 1
The first series of videos with Dance Artist Charlie Armitage. Suitable for all mobility levels. More available on request!
Dance to Health Specials Series 1
Join Jenny Murphy, Jenny MacNamara and Kath Kimber McTiffin for Series 1 of Dance to Health special sessions
Dance to health
Aesop. Wittas House, Two Rivers, Station Lane, Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 4BH.
Registered Charity: 1134572 Company Number: 06998306
Dance to Health is a programme created and managed by
Dance to Health is a registered trademark. © 2019 Aesop.
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